
About "Liquid Self":

The author has prepared a series of proposals for personal genetic re-assignment.

The basic conception of Selfhood is inherently based in alterity; has become superfluidic; fractal. The decoding of the human genome by scientific/corporate concerns is a fait acompli. Aesthetic concerns will eventually (if not initially) be of utmost concern. Personal self- image is a crucial target site for media manipulation/vested power interests. Many contemporary humans (Orlan,Stelarc, and Steve Mann) are already radically altering their image/self relationship ----through the use of medical science and informational engineering. This site is dedicated to the personal control of the bodily image through both informational media and molecular biology. In preparation for the coming recombinant revolution in biology (which will make the so called `information revolution' pale in comparison) it becomes important to choose from a series of alternative selves. (Alt /self) The schema of one world/one mind/one body is no longer sufficient; one must be of many worlds/many minds/many bodies. The basic taxonomical classification of "species" has been discarded as irrelevant by many molecular biologists.